
Showing posts from 2018

Writing Where It is Difficult

In class the other day, one of our guest panel speakers asked four questions, and asked us to raise our hands if the answer was yes. These questions often are part of measures of inclusion and can be used to reveal barriers to access.

The Day My World Turned Upside Down

In the fall of 2017, I took a class in Disability Studies. I took this class, in part, to find ideas and tips for how, "they" managed. They. They managed. How people with disabiltiies--who weren't me, because I wasn't disabled (feel free to insert eye-roll here, because when looking back on myself at this time, I totally do!). Not me. Them.

Revisiting Ableism as Violence

So I know that I haven't written for several weeks now. I have been busy with starting graduate school while sick. As I am still fighting the bronchitis two days away from a full month since I first came down with it, I also have another infection from the Prednisone to treat the bronchitis. I want to revisit this issue of systemic violence in ableism.

Self and Blog Introduction

It is extremely typical of me to dive right in to discussion and completely neglect important things like introductions for those who might not know me personally, and answers to basic questions they might have like: "Who are you", "Why should I be reading this?", "Why should I care?" and "Good Lord your grammar is atrocious, when are you going to do something about that?"

Sick Day Thoughts: Ableism Is Physical Violence

Ableism is violence. Sit with that a minute. Give it fair contemplation before dismissing it.