
Showing posts from September, 2018

The Day My World Turned Upside Down

In the fall of 2017, I took a class in Disability Studies. I took this class, in part, to find ideas and tips for how, "they" managed. They. They managed. How people with disabiltiies--who weren't me, because I wasn't disabled (feel free to insert eye-roll here, because when looking back on myself at this time, I totally do!). Not me. Them.

Revisiting Ableism as Violence

So I know that I haven't written for several weeks now. I have been busy with starting graduate school while sick. As I am still fighting the bronchitis two days away from a full month since I first came down with it, I also have another infection from the Prednisone to treat the bronchitis. I want to revisit this issue of systemic violence in ableism.