
Showing posts from July, 2020

New Blog Name: Or To Live with hEDs is to Be An Extremophile.

No, I don't literally survive and thrive in alkaline, acidic, frozen, or extremely hot environments. According to Britannica's online and free encyclopedia, though, extremophiles are tolerant to and find ways to thrive within extreme environments. This I have to do. This is survival for me!

Flu kills too: A Response to More Ableist Nonsense

(Editing to say that I have since received communication from the person involved that they were honestly trying to hash out responses to a legitimate accommodations request on this issue. Which is interesting to me both in that the person's tone of voice when saying this didn't feel consistent with this and leaves me questioning my perceptions, but also in that it still baffles me that that conversation wasn't short and sweet to the tune of "well, we should accommodate when needed." Leaving the rest of the post since there are many relevant issues and attitudes discussed in it whatever the original conversation may have been) In doing advocacy for remote access at KU, one member of the IOA revealed to me that they were working on the issue of remote access, but were currently hashing out, what seemed to her a very reasonable and realistic fear: that after COVID-19 some student would try to unfairly secure remote access by claiming they were more vulnerable to the...